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Cancer support and recovery

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Jed Shlackman, LMHC, treats clients in the Miami and South Florida area who are seeking to address a variety of health and wellness concerns. Here Jed has provided an explanation of his approach to providing support for those dealing with cancer diagnosis and treatment challenges or concerns.

Cancer is one of the most common health challenges that people in our society may face, with nearly every family affected by cancer in one way or another. Just the tests and diagnoses of cancer often trigger a great deal of fear and anxiety - something which can in itself worsen the prognosis for recovery from cancer. It is well documented that psychological and spiritual factors have a great impact on the course of cancer and other illnesses, affecting whether the person will recover or have the disease progress. There is also a consensus among holistic health professionals that unresolved emotions and past traumas are a major risk factor for the development of cancer. Thus, treating a cancer patient on the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and subtle energetic levels is a key part of a plan for recovery. As a veteran counselor, hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master/spiritual energy healer, Jed Shlackman, LMHC has assisted many cancer patients in going through this personal healing journey. Jed sees cancer not as an enemy to just "fight," but as a wake up call to show us where we are out of harmony with life, with our spiritual essence, and within ourselves. Research on spontaneous remission supports this view, as the common factors in recovery usually involve a shift in consciousness and some form of personal healing or spiritual awakening that releases the density and discord that fueled the cancer in the first place. Whatever medical treatments you may choose to undergo to treat cancer (conventional or alternative) you can be helped enormously by addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of your being.

Let's work individually on the issues that affect you so that you can have the best chance of reaching your wellness goals.

Call for an appointment today!

Notice: When scheduling an appointment please be aware that 24 hour notice is required for postponements. If you cancel with at least 24 hour notice you may reschedule your session for a later date with no additional charge - there is no refund option. You are responsibile for arriving on time for your appointments and honoring the therapist's commitment of time to serve you.

Additional Resources For Holistic Cancer Recovery, Support, & Education

Alternative Cancer Care - Holistic Cancer Resources, Psycho-Oncology
Truly Heal
Cancer Is Curable Now (Documentary)
Emotions And Cancer Healing
Cancer Tutur
Eastern Medicine: Healing Journey Through Asia
The Radical Remission Project
The Answer To Cancer
Global Cancer Symposium
Cancer: The Integrative Perspective
Kris Carr & Dr. Kelly Turner on Radical Remission
Stress And Cancer, with Dr. Lise Alschuler
The Truth About Cancer
Anita Moorjani - Dying To Be Me
Dr. Orloff - Positive Psychology
Kimberly Snyder, C.N., Nutrition For Mind, Body, & Soul
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Food Matters & Hungry For Change
Russian Metabolic Analysis Perspective On Causes Of Cancer

You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, by Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D.
Your Body Is Telling You Love Yourself, by Lise Bourbeau
The Instinct To Heal: Curing Stress, Anxiety, And Depression Without Drugs And Without Talk Therapy, by David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.
Dying To Be Me, by Anita Moorjani
The Food-Mood-Body Connection: Nutrition Based & Environmental Approaches To Mental Health & Physical Well-being, by Gary Null, Ph.D.
Cancer: Step Outside The Box, by Ty Bollinger
Cancer Is Not A Disease, It's A Survival Mechanism, by Andreas Moritz
Outsmart Your Cancer, by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A. MFCC
The Truth About Cancer, by Ty Bollinger

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