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Jed Shlackman, M.S. Ed., LMHC

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Jed Shlackman, M.S.Ed., LMHC provides a variety of individual, family, and group counseling and healing services. Jed's psychospiritually-based guidance and powerful mind-body and energetic healing methods can foster deep healing and rapid transformation - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

B.A., Major in Psychology, Psi Chi Honor Society, double minor in history and political science from the University of Miami
M.S. Ed. degree in Counseling from the University of Miami.
National Merit Scholarship and membership in Phi Beta Kappa.
FL Certified Lay Guardian Ad Litem (Court Appointed Special Advocate)
Mindfulness and Meditation facilitator
Certified hypnotherapist (2001)
Certified in Energy Psychology modalities Psych-K & Neuromodulation Technique. Universal Life Church ordained minister since 1997
Singing Bowls Sound Therapy facilitator and instructor
Jed has been a practicing counselor/therapist in the Miami area since 1997, having completed graduate training at the University of Miami in 1996.

  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor. (FL Lic.# MH5806)
  • Certified Hypnotherapist (Center for Human Development And Counseling, 2001)
  • Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapy with Jon Connelly Rapid Resolution Therapy
  • Continuing education (CE) workshops and training in a wide range of topics in the mental health field, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, Autism/ASD, dementia, addictions, problem gambling, eating disorders, relationships, family systems, attachment, domestic violence, PTSD, complementary and alternative medicine, energy psychology, cognitive therapy, personality disorders, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy), IFS (Internal Family Systems), somatic psychotherapy, EMDR, and more.
  • Certified by Leslie Feinberg, D.C. in Neuromodulation Technique (also visit, a groundbreaking modality in energy medicine and energy psychology. (2003)
  • Training in NLP (neurolinguistic programming).
  • Certified Psych-K® practitioner.
  • Certified ThetaHealing practitioner
  • Certified SomaEnergetics Practitioner
  • Regression Therapies/Past-Life Regression (Spiritual/Transpersonal Hypnosis).
  • Personal Empowerment/Emotional Release Work - Trained With Shamanic Healer James Hyman
  • Facilitator of Regenetics Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning
  • Past member and chapter officer of American Society Of Dowsers
  • Independent Usui Reiki Master practitioner/instructor. (certified in 2000)
  • Sound Healing; brainwave entrainment audio, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, vocal toning, and more.
  • The Monroe Institute Gateway home study course through Wave VII, an exploration of expanded states of consciousness.
  • Participant/attendee in lectures and workshops with a variety of leading holistic healing professionals, trauma informed psychotherapy prioneers, and transpersonal healing practitioners
  • Initiate of The Lily And Beyond Attunement/Activation
  • Research of ancient wisdom and healing practices and the occult (hidden) history of humanity and galactic influences.
  • Contributor to spiritual book project Matrix VI: Wayfarers Of Reality
  • Continue ongoing study and spiritual development to create greater balance and higher understanding. Aligning with higher consciousness and energies which assist in helping others raise their consciousness and create balance. Includes examination of teachings such as the Abraham-Hicks teachings, Seth teachings, A Course In Miracles, Law Of One teachings, Conversations With God, "New Thought" teachings, Essene Christian teachings, Non-dual teachings (Eastern spirituality and teachers such as Eckhart Tolle), Occult Traditions (Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry), Shamanic teachings, Yogic teachings, and Mystical approaches to transformation. Jed works with the spiritual principles of attraction, intention, allowance, and balance, which are metaphysical principles that underlie Creation and are recorded to some extent within major religious traditions. Jed appreciates the role that religious traditions and rituals play in people's lives, while for the purpose of personal growth and healing Jed looks deeper into the spiritual and metaphysical truths of consciousness and how they are reflected in our lives and in physical and psychological reality, often facilitating more direct connections with higher consciousness to uncover the wisdom and insights needed to help a person heal or transform.
  • Independent research in natural health and healing modalities, including nutrition, naturopathy, oriental medicine, vibrational medicine, herbal medicine, and mind-body healing approaches.
  • Experience providing individual therapy, group therapy, and assessments for adolescents and children for the mental health agency PsychSolutions, Inc., in Miami-Dade County, Florida. PsychSolutions]
  • Experience providing group therapy for adults with major mental illnesses and dual diagnosis in a PHP program in Miami, Florida.
  • Experience as co-instructor with Psychological Healing Insights, Inc., teaching classes preparing counselors for state licensure examination.
  • Holistic health writer with articles published in Natural Awakenings Magazine and in Internet news forums including Miami Holistic Health Examiner
  • Non-Denominational Minister/Spiritual Teacher, Ordained in 1997 by the Universal Life Church
  • Lecturer & Workshop Facilitator; speaker at Miami-Kendall Theosophical group, S.O.U.L. Church, Unity on the Bay, Miami-Dade College Health Care Forum, New Life Expo, & more.
  • Health Expo Exhibitor - New Life Expo in Miami Beach 2003, Miami-Dade County Health & Safety Expo 2009, 2010, 2011, Miami-Dade County Transit Department Employee Health Fair 2009, Miami-Dade College Medical Campus Health Fair 2010 & 2011, Miami Jewish Health Systems Multicultural Conference on Alzheimer's 2011
  • Workshop and meditation facilitator at South Florida venues, including Five Sisters, Bagua Center, I Am Equilibrium, Luna Bohemia, Deva Om Boutique, Corpo Yoga, Buddhaful Om Yoga, Center of Grace, and others.
  • Author of book projects titled Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure, Past Lives, Spiritual Regression, Limitless Consciousness, and Self-Integration, Awakening: Letting Go Of Beliefs And Illusions, Embracing Your Spiritual Potential: (Consciousness, Creation, & Existence. To learn more about the books please click here Book Info
  • Jed provides counseling and healing services with a holistic orientation, incorporating cognitive, humanistic, family systems, and psychodynamic approaches as well as transpersonal psychological therapies, hypnosis, energy psychology, expressive therapies, mind-body healing modalities, and vibrational/energetic healing approaches that are effective in supporting therapeutic benefits for a variety of clients and concerns. Jed is also knowledgeable about herbs, essential oils, diet, and nutritional interventions for mental health and related issues. As a multi-talented, compassionate counselor with extensive knowledge and diverse experience Jed provides comprehensive healing services and collaboration with clients.

    Some of Jed's areas of greatest experience and expertise include addressing:

  • child and adolescent issues, including "ADHD" behaviors and other behavioral and emotional concerns present among youth.
  • anxiety and depression.
  • stress management, traumatic stress, and pain release.
  • addictive behaviors.
  • chronic illness issues.
  • spiritual & personal growth issues.
  • mind-body health.
  • identifying and clearing energetic blocks and imbalances.
  • Flexible rates for services are available for those in need.
    call (305) 259-0013 (voice), text message 786-610-6345 or email for further information or to schedule an appointment.

    If you'd like to sign up for updates on services, events, and specials that are offered, just enter your name and email address in an email with the subject "please add me." You can also add any comments, questions, or feedback you may have. Your email address will not be shared with any other persons or organizations and will be used solely for the purposes described above.


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